Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm SOOO Mature....

I stumbled upon this nifty site that will gauge the reading level needed to understand your blog...I know, just what I need, something else to fret over...anyway, because I am terribly predictable and clearly a bit narcissistic, I plugged in the url for this here blog 'o mine and was slightly dismayed when I learned that my ramblings clock in at a tepid "Junior High School" reading level. I quickly changed the screen, lest anyone else (read: Tim) amble by, look over my shoulder and scoff at my pimply faced writing...then clicked back and typed in the url of a few of my favorites.

Boy was I relieved and somewhat smug to learn that the Godmother of Blogging, Dooce, scrapes by at a paltry Elementary level!

So, what that means is yeah for you, gentle reader, is that you could totally read some of the Babysitter's Club or Sweet Valley High series! And with little to no difficulty! Just don't try to bust out with some Tolstoy, or we might both be in trouble.


Our Hinjew Family said...

Cool! What's the URL for the site? I want to see what mine is.

They say you should write on a 5th grade level to reach the masses. So writing on a jr. high level is really the "educated level". I know....

Big hugs,

Duchess said...

Wow, apparently writing about my writing level increased my edumacation level...when I went back today, to get you the url, it upgraded me to high school...I think it was because I said Tolstoy...

Susan said...

Hmmmm seems like name dropping can be a good thing in certain
Not to worry I love your writing, always have, and always will.